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Twin Flame Chakra Union Energy Healing Bundle!

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Twin Flame Chakra Union Energy Healing Bundle!

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This is a bundle for our Twin Flame Chakra Union Energy Healing Series!

You save $162 by purchasing this bundle instead of purchasing each download individually!

This bundle includes 11 powerful downloads:

  1. Twin Flame Root Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (55 minutes)
  2. Twin Flame Sacral Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (55 minutes)
  3. Twin Flame Solar Plexus Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (55 minutes)
  4. Twin Flame Heart Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (59 minutes)
  5. Twin Flame Throat Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (55 minutes)
  6. Twin Flame Third Eye Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (51 minutes)
  7. Twin Flame Crown Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (54 minutes)
  8. Twin Flame Earth Star Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (50 minutes)
  9. Twin Flame Higher Heart Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (51 minutes)
  10. Twin Flame Soul Star Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (51 minutes)
  11. Ultimate Twin Flame Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing! (55 minutes)

Description for Twin Flame Root Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is a powerful root chakra union activation and healing for you and your twin flame. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all.

It's important to have a strong root chakra and a strong foundation for spiritual work. That would include twin flame union. In order to bring in powerful union energy it requires a strong root chakra and foundation.

The root chakra helps support and ground union into the physical. So having a strong root chakra found is very important. 

Without a strong root chakra, it can make union difficult especially if there's parts of you and your twin flame that don't feel safe and secure to receive and allow love.
This is what we will be doing in this session! Creating a strong foundation for union for you and your twin flame.

Some signs of a blocked root chakra:
Not feeling centered and grounded
Not motivated
Have a hard time accomplishing thing and getting things done
Struggle with finances and money
Not feeling safe and supported
Afraid of receiving support and connection with others (fear of union)
Feeling tired and sluggish often

In this session we:

Release many layers of deep stuck stagnant sluggish energy from the root chakra. Allowing more energy flow and support for you and your twin.

A lot of collective energies can get stuck in the root chakra. That can impact love , connection and union. We worked on clearing that out as well as releasing the reasons to take on those energies for both you and your twin ( such as feeling obligated or guilty etc.)

We work on strengthening your physical body as that is just as important for allowing you to hold and receive powerful union energy. Root chakra is very connected to the physical. So it's important to have a healthy connection with your body for a strong root.

We do healing and strengthening of the pelvis, tailbone & spine, lower back, toes, feet, ankles and legs. A healing and upgrading of these areas in relation to the root chakra. To allow a strong physical and spiritual root foundation for you and your twin.

Release old feedings of sadness, not feeling motivated and wanting to give up within the inner masculine. And clearing and releasing these old energies within the root for you and your twin flame.

Powerful ancestral healing for you and your twin. We carry a lot of ancestral trauma in the root chakra.

Releasing lack , poverty, survival mode
Ancestral trauma and programming for you and your twin flame. Releasing trauma of war. Trauma of losing loved ones and not feeling safe and secure during intense traumatic times for your ancestors and your twin flame's ancestral lines.

Allowing deeper safety and secure for you and your twin flame to be together in this lifetime

Powerful Energy healing for grounding , connection and support for you and your twin flame with Mother Earth. Feeling safe and worthy to receive the Goddess Mother Earth energy.

Light language for bringing twin flame union into the physical and into the earth plane with ease, grace and love!

Twin flame union energy and healing within your root chakra and your twin flames root chakra - we cleared out a lot of heavy duty layers in the root chakra within and between.

Release the fear and resistance to love and union for you and your twin flame.

Healthy Self esteem, self confidence, self worth and feeling a sense of belonging within and in relation to being here on Earth in this lifetime. 

Feeling deely supported and allowing that support between you and your twin flame

Feeling the infinite safety and support of your God/Universe, your angels and guides, your soul family, your ancestors and connection to your higher soul self for you and your twin flame

The strong will, purpose and drive to be here in this lifetime.  The will to be with your twin flame. Clear and heal any parts resisting being present and grounded and running away from life and connection and union.

Releasing neediness and "needing" things from others in order to feel satisfied and fulfilled. Clearing blocks to knowing that you are strong and Empowered and you have what it takes to be here on mission and to allow union.  

Calling in all the support you could ever want and need for union and all areas of your life for you and your twin.

Inner child healing for you and your twin flame.  Healing the root chakra of your inner child for you and your twin flame
Allowing your inner child to feel safe and supported to receive and allow love and union.

A lot of times our inner child can block connection out of fear. So supporting your inner child is a very important part of union and healing.

Strengthen trust. Inner trust within yourself. Trust with God/Universe.
Trust between you and your twin flame.

Trust and deep surrendering into Union. Powerful activation and healing to allow surrendering to Union.

Letting go of Control and outcomes when it comes to Union and with your twin flame. Releasing Fear and doubt and the need to control when it will happen to God /Universe.

Letting go of stress, worries and doubt for you and your twin and for union and allow the power of presence.  To be in the present moment in your body. In connection with God/Universe and the earth. For you and your twin.

Allowing deep presence and connection between you and your twin flame

Activation to embody peace, calm, grounding and centering within your root chakra for you and your twin flame

Release scarcity fears and patterns
Allowing abundance mindset
Releasing money and financial blocks and patterns for you and your twin.

And more! <3 

Description for Twin Flame Sacral Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade and activate the Sacral Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The Sacral chakra is all about sensuality, creativity, pleasure and overall enjoyment of life. In order for the Sacral chakra to feel safe to activate at it's fullest potential the Root chakra must be healthy and strong.

Then the Sacral can feel safe to open up, express and allow divine love and pleasure to flow through in all areas of your life. 

Including feeling safe to allow union and a deep emotional and soul connection with your twin flame!

A healthy sacral chakra is important to cultivate a deep soul connected relationship with yourself, with the world and with your twin flame.

Some examples of signs of an unbalanced Sacral chakra:

Feeling easily overwhelmed by your emotions often

Not feeling safe to express your wants, needs and emotions

Not feeling safe to express yourself in a genuine and authentic way

Unhealthy relationship patterns with yourself and others. Unworthiness, Self sabotaging and self punishment issues.

Avoidance of certain emotions. Numbing out often and addictive behaviors.

Lack of creativity, passion, pleasure and inspiration in your life

Fear of deep intimacy

Not feeling comfortable in your body. A lot judgements and criticism towards yourself.

Some of the things we cover in this session:

Heal sacral chakra related energies between you and your twin that are not in alignment to love and union. As we carry a lot of emotional and relationship energy in our Sacral chakra it's important to clear out old energies to allow deeper union and connection with your beloved.

Heal old relationship energies for you
Releasing any energetic attachments to past relationships, lovers, sexual experiences etc.

Heal old relationship energies for your twin
Releasing any energetic attachments to past relationships, lovers, sexual experiences etc.

Releasing and healing energies in the way of feeling really good in your body. Feeling safe to be here in this lifetime in your body for both you and your twin. Releasing guilt and shame around being human and having human desires and needs. Allowing a deep intimate connection with yourself and your body.

Feeling safe to express your wants and needs with ease and grace for you and your twin flame

Releasing feelings of shame and unworthiness for you and your twin flame that are impacting deep love and union

Energy upgrade to take up space expand your energy , be authentically you! For both you and your twin.

Releasing Fear and old energies around intimacy. Feeling safe to allow deep intimacy with yourself and with your twin flame

Allowing both your masculine and feminine energy for you and your twin to feel safe to connect deeply in union within the Sacral charka.

Releasing old frozen and stuck energy within the Feminine in relation to the Sacral chakra around intimacy, sensuality and pleasure. Releasing guilt and shame. Calling in the beautiful water Goddesses to support the feminine to feel safe to deeply self express and have all her wants,  needs and desires met. To know that she is worthy of having them all met.

Healing Goddess wounds and trauma in the Sacral and reproductive system.

Releasing old frozen and stuck energy within the Masculine in relation to the Sacral also around intimacy, pleasure and sensuality. Releasing guilt and shame around receiving and allowing. Also releasing guilt and shame around feeling good and giving and receiving deep pleasure.

To allow the masculine to be seen for who he truly is and allow appreciation for himself and from the feminine. To be appreciated just as he is and releasing the self criticism.

Clear out old outdated societal and cultural beliefs around sex, sensuality, pleasure, Feeling good, allowing, giving and receiving for both you and your twin. As well as between the two of you.

Clear out old energies around pleasure, Feeling good, money, relationships, guilt, shame, unworthiness etc from your ancestral line, your twin flame and between your ancestral lines in relation to your Sacral. We can carry a lot of ancestral energies in our Sacral that are not serving us anymore or in alignment to divine union.

We can also hold on to a lot of past life trauma and energies in our Sacral around fully being seen for who we truly are, fully express ourselves, old relationship trauma and etc. So we clear those things out and more for you and your twin. As well as any lifetimes you had together where the old energies from that time is impacting this life time.

Powerful Sacral Chakra activation of your power, passion, creativity and inspirational energy for you and your twin flame

Powerful Union Activation within your Sacral Chakra for you and your twin flame

Connecting you to your divine Feminine Sacral Goddess energy that is confident in herself, her body, her pleasure and allowing deep love and support in all areas of her life

Connecting you to your Divine Masculine Sacral Energy that is confident in himself , his gifts & abilities, his worthiness, and his ability to give and receive pleasure.

Deep healing of the adrenals and kidneys. Releasing Fear and trauma. We can store a lot of fear and trauma in these organs.

Healing on the reproductive system and organs for you and your twin flame. 

We also do healing on releasing stuck fear in the bladder. To allow healthy energy flow in both the physical and energy of the Sacral.

We healed repaired and upgraded Leaky energy and "holes" in the Sacral chakra for you and your twin caused by doing things that you don't actually want to do and or doing things out of alignment to your energy and soul.

Doing things that don't feel good or don't have a healthy energy exchange can cause leaks and drains on your Sacral Energy. That can make you feel tired and exhausted. So we help to balance the way you exchange energies with others and raise your vibration,  self worth and knowing that your Sacral Energy is super scared and powerful.

Clearing out anything not in alignment to love and union within you and your twin's Sacral chakra. Creating healthy communication and energy flow between you and your TF's Sacral chakras!

and much more!!

Description for Twin Flame Solar Plexus Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade the Solar Plexus Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The Solar Plexus is the power center! It's all about confidence and empowerment!

In relation to Twin Flame union, the solar plexus has to do with feeling worthy and deserving of love and union.

Feeling safe to be in your power plays a big role in union. Union energy is very powerful energy so if you have fears of your own power or power in general as well as fear of love then it can impact your connection with your twin flame.

In this session we will explore the different layers of confidence, empowerment and love for both you and your twin flame's Solar Plexus!

Some Signs of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra:

Low self esteem and self worth
Self doubt
Struggle with making decisions
Low self confidence
Struggle with having healthy boundaries
Relationship issues
Lack of motivation, drive and purpose
Struggle with self expression
Digestion issues

Some of the things we cover in this session:

We connect with the element of fire to activate your Solar plexus fire power for you and your twin flame! To cleanse, heal and upgrade your Solar Plexus. Allowing you and your Twin flame to feel bright, confident and Empowered..

Turn on your inner twin flame for union and mission with your beloved!

We do a powerful healing and clearing of your stomach and digestive system. Releasing any stuck stagnant energies holding you back from being in the flow of life and healthy relationship with your emotions.

We do deep healing and upgrading on calling back your power for you and your twin. And a deep empowerment activation of your Solar Plexus.

We clear and release any cords or attachments to your Solar Plexus that is draining you of your energy, vitality and power for you and your twin flame.

We heal and repair any leaks in your Solar Plexus where you're giving your energy and power away too. Help you to have awareness of where you're giving your power away so that you can take the steps to release it.

Upgrade of your energy boundaries. Calling in awareness of where you could allow an upgrade of your boundaries in all areas of your life. Releasing the need to do things you don't want to do. Releasing the need to do things not in alignment to your power and your truth for both you and your twin.

Clearing and releasing any stuck stagnant energies between your Solar plexus and your twin flames Solar plexus chakra. Clear out any old cords and attachments causing power issues and unhealthy relationship patterns between the two of you.

Clear out unworthiness, doubt and disempowerment out your ancestral lines for you and your twin flame that has been passed down in your Solar Plexus.

We heal any abuse of power in your family/ancestral lines in relation to your Solar Plexus for you and your Twin flame.

We heal abuse of power in your past lifetimes for you and your twin flame. The lifetimes where you abused your power as well as the lifetimes where others abused their power upon you.

Also we heal lifetimes where you and your twin flame may have abused one another through your power.

Clear blocks to self confidence. Allowing the confidence to flow through you and your twin flame with ease grace and love. Knowing your truth. Knowing who you truly are. Knowing that you are love and worthy of love and union with the divine and with your twin flame.

Releasing the feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, neediness in your Solar Plexus and again calling your power back to you and your twin flame. Releasing the disempowered energies and allowing your Empowered soul self to shine through.

Releasing fears of being seen and visible for you and your twin flame from this lifetime, other lifetimes and your ancestral lines.

Releasing fears of taking space, really owning your power and being fully present as the powerful being of infinite love and light that you truly are for you and your twin.

Releasing the fears of being too much, too powerful, too bright etc. For both you and your twin flame.

Union Upgrade! Feeling safe to be in union. Knowing and understanding the deep responsibility and honor of the power of union. Not to take it lightly. Union energy is very powerful and it's important to be a sacred vessel of that energy.

Your sacred connection and Divine responsibility and right to be in union together. Feeling safe to allow this connection within yourself, with God/Universe and with your twin flame.

Feeling confident and Empowered to trust yourself, trust your connection to your intuition and take aligned action with ease grace and love for both you and your twin flame

Clearing blocks to healthy relationship and connection within you, within your twin flame and between the two of you.

Clear anything else that is ready to be released for you and your twin anger, resentment, bitterness etc. Allowing forgiveness, understanding, truth, courage, love and compassion.

And more!

Description for Twin Flame Heart Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade the Heart Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The Heart Chakra is the center for love, compassion, receiving, abundance and joy!

The heart chakra plays a big role in twin flame connection and union!

It is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras. Bridging the spiritual to the physical. Connection and bridging spiritual union to the physical.

Because it is the bridge, I recommend doing the lower chakra downloads as well (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus) to help strengthen your foundation to support having a powerful bridge aka heart chakra.

In this session we explore the different aspects of the heart chakra for you and your twin to allow deeper connection, compassion and love.

Some Signs of an unbalanced Heart Chakra:

• Feelings of loneliness
• Feeling insecure or jealousy often
• Difficulties with relationships
• Feeling blocked to receiving love and abundance
• Feeling blocked to receiving and support
•Holding on to grudges and resentment towards yourself and others
•Feeling overly defensive
•Intimacy and connection issues
•Difficulty to trust yourself and others
•Overly self sacrificing
•Unhealthy boundaries

Some of the things we cover in this session:

We clear blocks to receiving for you and twin in relation to your heart chakra. We can have blocks to receiving and that can impact all areas of our lives.

Our ability to allow love and compassion,  abundance, money , vibrant health and all our heart's desires can be affected if we don't feel safe to receive!

Since the heart chakra is associated with the element of air, we connect with the element of air to cleanse, clear, balance your heart chakra for you and your twin  flame. Air is all around us and within us. We allow our heart chakra to have healthy energy air flow with ease grace and love!

We release any stuck stagnant energies in the heart chakra impacting love, connection and union. Release grudges and resentment, Anger and hate towards yourself and others, unforgiveness towards yourself and others.

We do a lot of deep healing and releasing on self judgements, being really hard on yourself, unworthiness and shame for both you and your twin flame.

We clear blocks to allow deeper levels of unconditional love and compassion from God/Source/Universe for you and your twin!

We clear blocks to allow deeper levels of unconditional love, compassion and support from your angels and guides for you and your twin flame!

We clear blocks to allow deeper levels of unconditional love and compassion  for your twin flame and between the two of you. 

We heal any wounds in the heart due to betrayal,  broken trust, old hurt and pain from the past for you and your twin. From childhood, past relationships etc.

We do the same to heal and release any wounding or pain in the heart chakra between you and your twin.

We clear unhealthy cords and attachments in relation to the heart chakra that are not of the highest good and draining your energy. For both you and your twin flame. And also between the two of you.

We dissolve any walls or blocks around your heart chakra for you and your twin that are impacting your ability to receive and allow more love, abundance and support. We do this with ease, grace and love and only dissolve the things that are ready to be released.

We heal upgrade heart chakra leaks and energetic holes due to over giving, over compensating for love and unhealthy boundaries.

We heal any wounds or pain from past lifetimes that are impacting your heart chakra for you and your twin. Also between the two of you that can be impacting your connection and union.

We heal and wounds or pain from your ancestral lines that are impacting your heart chakra for you and your twin. Also between the two of you.

We do a powerful activation so that you can allow yourself to continue going deeper in healing and at the same time allow all your heart's desires including union for both you and your twin!

We call  in powerful support angels:  angels of unconditional love, angels of romance, Angels of compassion and Angels of abundance. We receive their blessings, healing and infinite support for both you and your twin!

We activate the inner union within your heart chakra , for your twin and between the two of you!!

We also activate inner union between you and God/Universe for you and your twin flame!

We balance the giving and receiving energy flow within your heart chakra for you and your twin. Allowing to give and receive with ease, grace and love.

We do energy healing on the heart (physical and emotional), lungs, chest area, arms as these areas are associated with the heart chakra for both you and your twin flame.

We also do healing of the immune system and lymphatic system as they relate to the heart chakra!

Since the heart chakra is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras... we do a powerful activation to connect spiritual union and physical union for both you and your twin flame. Bridging your heart chakras together with ease grace and love!

We clear anything else that is ready to be released in your heart chakra, your twin flame and between your heart chakras.

Download anything else to allow support for your mission and union in this lifetime!

We clear the path for unconditional love and union between the two of you within your heart chakras with ease, grace, compassion and love!

And more! <3

Description for Twin Flame Throat Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade the Throat Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The Throat Chakra is all about self expression, inspiration and communication! Being able to speak and express your truth from your heart and soul. As well as hear and receive guidance from your higher self, guides, angels and God/Universe.

A healthy throat chakra will help support a healthy connection and communication with your twin flame.

The throat chakra also plays a big role in communication between the upper and lower chakras. So balance of all the chakras especially the lower chakras is important for the throat chakra to feel safe to open up to express itself.

In this session we explore the different aspects of the throat chakra for you and your twin to allow deeper connection, expression, communication, understanding and love!

Some Signs of an unbalanced Throat Chakra:

• Hesitation and fear in expressing emotions

• Feeling misunderstood often

• Not feeling safe to express your wants and needs

• Not feeling safe to stand up for yourself and speak your truth

• Communication issues with others

• Difficulty understanding yourself and being aware of your emotions

• Lack of creativity and inspirational flow

Some of the things we cover in this session:

The throat chakra is associated with the element of space. We work with space to help expand our consciousness and perspective. To activate and allow for the deep infinite expansion of communication, inspiration, creativity and self expression.

We clear blocks to self expression for you and your twin flame

Clear blocks to healthy communication with yourself and with others

Clear blocks to healthy communication for your twin flame

Clear blocks to healthy communication between you and your twin flame

Clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to communication for you and your twin flame

Clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to communication between you and your twin flame

Clear stuck stagnant energy blocks around speaking your truth, self expression, being heard, being understood and communication from other lifetimes. For both you and your twin flame and between the two of you.

Clear misunderstandings from other lifetimes between you and your twin flame. Anything that prevented the two of you from coming together in union in relation to the throat chakra.

Releasing old hurt pain trauma from other lifetimes around speaking your truth, self expression that led to violence, imprisonment or death. Also all the times in other lifetimes where you were hurt or killed for being "different" or didn't "fit in" from the rest of society.

Clear and release any curses from this life, other lifetimes, ancestral and any time space dimension etc around your throat chakra, self expression, communication, being seen and heard etc. For both you and your twin flame.

Release ancestral pain, Anger, sadness, helplessness ,hopelessness etc around self expression, communication and all things throat chakra related that is impacting you and your twin flame. We clear your twin flames ancestral lines too and between your ancestors and your twin flames ancestors.

We release the stuck stagnant anger and resentment from the throat chakra. Anytime you held back what you truly wanted to say or didn't feel safe to etc.

We release any cords or attachments around and within the throat chakra that is impacting both you and your twin flame

We release any fear and limiting beliefs around feeling safe to express yourself, to use the power of your voice, to be seen and heard with ease grace and love for both you and your twin.

We clear blocks to allowing divine Feminine expression and Divine Masculine expression for both you and your twin flame. We do this for the whole collective as well! Clearing blocks, misunderstandings and miscommunication between Masculine and Feminine collective energies.

Clear blocks to hearing and listening to yourself,  others, and also God/Universe, your angels and guides. The throat chakra is connected to both communication and listening because without good listening abilities communicating would be difficult. For both you and your twin flame.

We clear blocks to communication with your God/Universe for both you and your twin. Allow deeper connection within and with God/Universe

We clear blocks to communication and hearing your angels and guides.

We clear blocks to communication to your higher self/soul self

We do a powerful healing on the ears for both you and your twin. The throat chakra is also about both listening and speaking.

We also do powerful healing on the throat, the tongue, lips, cheeks and jaws. We also do deep healing on the shoulders, neck, Thyroid and parathyroid. We release stuck anger, stress, frustration etc in those areas.

We infuse your throat chakra with infinite love and light cleansing and clearing anything not in alignment to your highest good for both you and your twin.

We clear blocks to Union. The parts of you and parts of them that are running away and avoiding union and feeling safe to allow deep soul connection and expression.

We do a throat chakra union upgrade for both you and your twin flame. Allowing deeper communication, love, compassion and union between your throat chakras.

And more! <3

Description for Twin Flame Third Eye Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade the Third Eye Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The Third Eye Chakra is the center for intuition, perception and higher consciousness!

A healthy third eye chakra will allow a healthy spiritual and intuitive connection between you and your twin flame!

In this session we go deep in exploring the 3rd eye chakra for you and your twin to allow deeper intuition, expression, connection, wisdom, clarity and higher level of connection, consciousness and union. 

The 3rd eye chakra plays a big role in twin flame intuitive and spiritual connection and union!

Some Signs of an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra:

• Often feeling lost and confused

• Over thinking

• Close mindedness

• Lacking clarity, wisdom, imagination and visualization

• Feeling blocked intuitively and spiritually

• Often have Self doubt and Negative thoughts

• Hard to connect to your inner knowledge and universal knowledge

Some of the things we cover in this session:

The element of the 3rd eye chakra is light so we work with the infinite light of God/Source to cleanse, clear, balance and heal your 3rd eye for both you and your twin flame!

We release old fear based patterns and thoughts in your 3rd eye, mind , conscious and subconscious for both you and your twin flame.

We clear blocks to spiritual connection between you and your twin flame

Clear blocks to intuition for both you and your twin flame

Clear blocks to allow healthy self perception for you, your twin flame and healthy perception between the two of you. Releasing Fear based patterns and conditioning.

Activate your intuitive gifts, healing gifts and any other gifts that will benefit your union and mission for both you and your twin flame.

Clear blocks to healthy spiritual communication between you and your twin flame
Clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to clarity and higher level of consciousness and awareness for both you and your twin.

Clear negative thought patterns in your mind/3rd eye for both you and your twin flame.

Clear negative thought patterns in your mind/3rd eye that are impacting connection and union for you and your twin flame

Clear negative energies for both you and your twin flame

Clear negative energies for both you and your twin flame impacting union

Clear fear,  trauma and any other energy issues from other lifetimes for both you and your twin flame impacting your connection and 3rd eye chakras

Clear energies from lifetimes where you or your twin flame were psychics or healers and you were hurt or killed.

Clear misunderstandings from other lifetimes between you and your twin flame. Anything that prevented the two of you from coming together in union in relation to the 3rd eye chakra.

Releasing old hurt pain trauma from other lifetimes around your intuition, psychic gifts, healing gifts, creative gifts, thinking outside the box etc.

Clear and release any curses from this life, other lifetimes, ancestral and any time space dimension etc around your third eye chakra, spiritual connection, intuition and clarity for both you and your twin flame.

Release ancestral trauma, fear, Anger, pain etc for being hurt or killed for anything 3rd chakra related including intuition and psychic abilities. 

We release any cords or attachments around and within the 3rd eye that is impacting both you and your twin flame

We release any fear and limiting beliefs around feeling safe to connect with your 3rd eye, your intuitive, healing and psychic gifts and abilities. For you and your twin flame.

We clear blocks to being open minded to spiritual connection. We do healing and upgrading and the ego to allow for higher level of consciousness, connection and awareness for both your and your twin.

We clear blocks to spiritual connection and awareness to your higher self/soul self for both you and your twin flame

We clear blocks to releasing any type of negative addictions for both you and your twin flame that are not serving the two of you and impacting deeper union and connection.

We also do powerful healing on the pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, forehead, physical eyes and spiritual eyes for both you and your twin flame.

We infuse your 3rd eye chakra with infinite love and light cleansing and clearing anything not in alignment to your highest good for both you and your twin flame!

We clear any other blocks to spiritual connection and deeper union within and connected to the 3rd eye for both you and your twin flame.

We do a 3rd eye chakra union upgrade for both you and your twin flame. Allowing deeper spiritual connection, self awareness, universal awareness, wisdom, visualization, consciousness and intuition for both you and your twin flame.

And more! <3

Description for Twin Flame Crown Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade your Crown Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

Crown Chakra is the ultimate infinite connection to God/Universe, your higher self and your twin flame's higher self!

In this session:

We will explore the different aspects of the Crown Chakra in relation to Union with the divine and union with your Twin Flame.

We bring spiritual union from the divine through your chakra and into the physical through all the chakras.

Clear blocks in the crown for you and your twin. Clear blocks  to connection, perception for you and your twin flame

Clear and fears worries doubts anger etc in your crown chakra for you and your twin

Clear collective energies, programs,  patterns and brain washing that is not of the highest good that is impacting you and your twin flame

Clear collective energies in the crown chakra impacting union with your twin flame

Allowing universal truth, infinite love and light to flow through your crown chakra for both you and your twin

Clear ancestral energies in the crown for you. Your twin and between

Clear past life energies in the crown for both you and your twin

Clear old anger and resentment Stuck in the crown creating stubbornness for both you and your twin. Not being able to connect and move forward together.

Release outside negative energies, programs and beliefs around union,  love , divine relationships etc that can cause issues between twin flames.

Clear negative beliefs and resentment coming from the collective around twin flames and twin flame union.  For example giving up, Feeling hopeless/helpless, loss faith, anger towards self, God or your twin around it taking too long. Frustration. Etc.

Clearing negative implants from the mind , also any curses or dark energies for you and your twin flame.

We do a powerful healing on your mind, brain  for both you and your twin flame.

Activation higher level consciousness, connection and awakening to Union and mission for both your and your twin flame.

Clear blocks to connecting more with God/Universe and your angels and guides for both you and your twin flame.

Clear the path to union with the divine. With God/Universe

Clear the path to union with the divine. With God/Universe for your twin flame

Clear the path to union with the divine. With God/Universe. Between the two of you. Clear the path divine connection and union between you and your twin flame

Clear path to Union with your higher self/soul self  for both you and your twin flame

Download everything you need to know for union and mission for you and your twin flame

Feeling the infinite support and connection of God /Universe

Know that you are supported every step of the way. Allow the support every step of the way

Activate gifts and abilities of the highest good for you and your twin flame to support you here in the lifetime in union and mission

Activate union and mission codes for you and your twin. Everything you require and resources etc. 

We clear the path to bring spiritual union into the physical for you and your twin flame

And more! 

Description for Twin Flame Earth Star Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade your Earth Star Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The Earth Star Chakra is the anchor for all the other chakras!

The earth star chakra connects your energy to divine mother earth and universal energies. This connection allows for grounding, stability, security and over all well being.

The earth star chakra helps to support you and your twin flame in feeling safe, secure and supported in your life and in union.

It helps to bridge the spiritual union into the physical. Bridging heaven on earth.

In this session:

We will do a deep exploration of the Earth Star Chakra and the connection to Union with the divine and union with your Twin Flame!

We allow the energy of Mother Earth and the divine to cleanse, clear and upgrade our Earth Star Chakra for you and your twin.

We go deep into grounding and connecting with the Earth. Releasing anything that is impacting your connection to the Earth for you and your twin. Also between the two of you.

We release anything that is impacting connection with your twin flame that is in relation to the Earth Star Chakra.

Any fears , worries, doubts etc. Anything that is not of the highest good we clear from the Earth Star.

We clear out stagnant energies from the collective that is impacting your Earth Star for both you and your twin

We can hold on to a lot of collective energies in the Earth Star.  We clear out the collective energies impacting connection with your twin flame

We also can hold on to a lot of old outdated ancentral energies in the Earth Star. We clear out fear based ancestral energies impacting your Earth Star for both you and your twin.

We clear out any ancestral energies that serving union or connection between you and your twin flame.

We go deep into allow trust,  connection,  security and feeling safe within yourself,  for your twin flame and between the 2 of you.

We clear out old stagnant energies, beliefs,  fears , programs , curses etc on the land you live on , for your twin flame and the collective energies all around the 2 of you.

We bring healing energy and light to the collective energies all around the two of you in relation to the Earth Star.

The Earth Star Chakra can also have an effect on our energy flow and vitality.  We clear and blocks and stuck energies impacting this for you and your twin flame to allow overall health and well being.

The Earth Chakra is around 12 inches (30cm) below the feet. We do a healing on your feet to allow clear connection and flow with your Earth Star Chakra and feet chakras!

We also do healing on your energy flow, blood , nervous system, liver and Lymphatic system as these areas can affect energy flow.

We go deeper into grounding and upgrading your grounding cord.

We do a powerful healing and connection with the land and nature all around you for both you and your twin flame. We honor and send love and gratitude to the land,  animals and nature all around you.

We activate the union energy within you , your twin flame and between the two of you.

We bring the union energy more fully into the Earth plane with ease, joy and love.

We send blessings and love to your connection with God/Universe/divine and with your twin flame

We allow any wisdom, healing, messages for you and your twin flame to come through and call in infinite love and support for the two of you.

And more!

Description for Twin Flame Higher Heart Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The higher heart (also known as high heart chakra) is all about deep love, compassion and self expression!

It is known as the bridge between the heart chakra and throat chakra. The bridge of love and communication. Allowing communication to come from your heart and to connect and communicate with others in a loving way.

The intention of this session is to cleanse, clear, heal, upgrade your higher heart chakra for you, your twin flame, loved ones, the entire collective and beyond this or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

We also do healing between you and your twin flames higher heart chakras. As the higher heart chakra plays a big role in twin flame union and deeper connection when it comes to love, compassion, understanding and self acceptance.

The Higher Heart chakra also plays a role in allowing big heart expansion and healing for yourself , for you and your twin, and for powerful collective healing for the entire planet.

When we are connected deeply to our heart and higher Heart we activate deep healing energy that radiates to everything and everyone.

Deep connection to our higher heart also helps with expansion to give and receive love and abundance powerfully.

In this session:

We cleanse and clear energies between you and your twin flame in relation to your higher Heart chakras!

We go deep on Activating love and compassion for both you and your twin flame and between the two of you

We focus on connecting to your higher heart chakra allowing the infinite waves of healing energies of love and compassion to radiate through you. To your entire body, spirit, soul, to your twin flame, between the two of , cultivating deep connection, love and healing.

We allow the infinite healing energy of your high heart chakra to flow through you and everything and everyone connected to you. To all areas of your life. Allowing your high heart chakra to feel safe to expand to your infinite potential. Allowing capacity to give and receive love freely with ease and grace for both you and your twin flame.

We can carry a lot of old energies as well as other people's energies and conditioning in our higher Heart chakra around love, compassion, relationships, self acceptance and the way we see and view ourselves and the world. So it's important to cleanse this chakra for optimal health and life.

We release any stuck energies , old pain, blockages from this lifetime for you and your twin in your high heart chakras.

We release any stuck energies , old pain, blockages from past lifetimes and any other time space dimension etc for you and your twin in your high heart chakras.

We release any stuck energies , old pain, blockages from family, ancestors, lineage etc for you and your twin in your high heart chakras.

We release any stuck energies , old pain, blockages from family, ancestors, lineage etc for you and your twin in your high heart chakras.

We release collective and societal conditions, fears and limiting beliefs in your higher heart chakra for you and your twin flame. Around the topics of:
Intimacy and connection with yourself, your twin flame and others
Self expression
Self acceptance
How you see yourself
How you the world
How you see your twin flame and your connection together

Upgrading and uplevleing your conscious and subconscious beliefs of all the above to infinite love, light and compassion

We do a powerful collective healing and take time to connect to our higher Heart chakra and radiate love to ourselves, to our twin flames, to our loved ones, to our home and to the entire planet to anyone who is open to receiving unconditional love and light.

We upgrade the higher Heart chakra bridge between the heart and throat chakra. Strengthening and amplify the power and gifts of your heart and throat to work together in harmony and union for both you and your twin flame.

Strengthen love, connection and communication between you and your twin flame.

Clear out anything that is not alignment to twin flame union and not alignment to the highest and greatest good for you and your twin flame

And more!

Description for Twin Flame Soul Star Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is to cleanse, heal, upgrade your Soul Star Chakra for you, your twin flame and between the two of you. This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!

The soul star is known as the "seat of the soul."

The soul star or the 8th chakra is located about a foot (12 inches or 304.8 millimeters) above the head. 

The soul star’s color is white or the presence of all frequencies of visible light. Some say that the color is more golden or with gold sparks with white.

Personally when I tune in to the soul star, it looks like all of that. White, multi color frequencies that we don't have on earth with sparks.

It is our connection or gateway to the entire universe and cosmos beyond. To all that is!

It is also plays a big part is our subconscious mind and dreams.

The soul star also supprts our purpose, life mission, and connection to a greater spiritual consciousness.

So for twin flames this chakra also plays a big role in union and with mission here in this lifetime. The oneness and union with Source and that is. To be of the highest and greatest service and the highest and greatest infinite love. Bridging that connection from the heavens to the earth.

In this session:

We will explore the Soul Star Chakra and all the various roles it plays in relation to you and your twin flame. To union within you, your twin flame, between the two of you and with God/Source.

We do a powerful grounding and connecting with Mother Earth to help support you in feeling safe to activate and connect to your Soul Star Chakra for both you and your twin flame!!

Activation/Cleansing/Healing/Upgrading of the Soul Star Chakra for you and your twin flame. 

The Soul Star Chakra is connected to our higher self. We cleanse, clear and allow clear connection to our higher self, for you, your twin and between the two of you. Harmonious connection of your higher selves.

Connection and harmony of your Soul Star Chakra in relation to God/Source as well as with divine mother earth.

Connection and harmony between your Soul Star and your Earth Star to bridge, strengthen, deepen and connect heaven and earth within you, your twin flame between the two of you and the entire planet.

Clear the energy pathways of your soul star chakra so you are a powerful channel for infinite love and light. This is the chakra that receives the overflow of divine energy to all your other chakras as well as body.

Clear the path to feel safe to allow and receive the infinite flow of divine energy. We release any fear or hurt from the past around receiving.

We release any past life trauma for the earth star chakra for you and your twin around your spiritual connection as a powerful soul. We worked on a lot of healing of old trauma and pain from other lifetimes in this session. For example,  what came up was on the initial split between you and your twin flame and the fear and stories attached to that.

We release ancestral trauma for the earth star chakra for you and your twin around your spiritual connection as a powerful soul. Being a powerful channel and light leader.

We release any collection conditioning, fears and limiting beliefs impacting the soul star chakra. Anything impacting your infinite potential, your higher self connection, divine union, twin flame union etc.

We clear religion beliefs and conditions that are not serving you and impacting connection to God/Source, to love, to union and to yourself. 

We harmonize connection with your soul star and crown chakras for both you and your twin flame as they both work together for bringing in infinite unconditional love and light.

Repair and upgrade the soul star chakra if needed. Also repair any energy leaks in your soul star chakra for you and your twin flame.

Clear and release any negative energies, entities, implants, curses etc anything not coming from love that is impacting your soul star for you and your twin flame. As well as anything impacting your union and connection with them.

Clear path to mission and union with your twin flame in relation to your earth star chakras.

Clear blocks to deepen connection with your higher self, God/Universe, guides and twin flame.

Powerful healing between you and your twin flame to activate and align to both of your most highest and greatest good connection, mission and union together.

We allow the overflow of love to wash over you and your twin flame. Cleansing, clearing and harmonizing all areas of your life, loved ones, your union and connection.

We do a lot of deep twin flame healing in this session. Around the parts of you or your twin flame that have given up on love, on life, on God/Universe etc. We heal shadows around union, love and connection.

And more! 

Ultimate Twin Flame Chakra Union Activation & Energy Healing!

The intention of this session is twin flame union and activation within all of your chakras! This or something better for the highest and greatest good of all!!

This session was so powerful!! I can't even express in words what comes through!!

The entire universe and all the different elements come through in this session supporting you and your twin flame. Cleansing, clearing, and dancing through all your chakras!!

The Unicorns, dragon, fairies, angels, flowers, sun,  stars,  moon, cosmos, the nature elements and more!

It was magical and powerful!! All your chakras are singing and dancing together with your twin flame in divine connection and union!

We go through each chakra from ground to crown lighting them all up with infinite love and light!

We do powerful energy healing and clearing between you and your twin flame within each chakra!

We focus on these areas within each chakra for both you and your twin flame and between you and your twin flame.

Cleansing and clearing anything that is not in alignment to love

We harmonize, balance and allow healthy connection between all your chakras. Allowing all your chakras to work together powerfully.

We allow healthy communication and energy flow within and between all your chakras, for you, your twin and also between the two of you.

Earth Star - super connection to divine mother earth. Allow yourself to be deeply rooted so that you can be a powerful channel of light for you and your twin flame

Root - grounding,  Feeling safe and supported (allow you and your twin flame to feel safe and supported as well as between the two of you)

Release fears, worries doubts around union, and feeling safe and secure to be loved and allow love.

Sacral - pleasure, receiving and feeling really good for you and your twin flame. Allowing your senses, your magic and medicine to come alive more fully!! Feel all the love, joy and gratitude within and all around you!!

Solar plexus- empowerment,  confidence and healthy boundaries for you and your twin flame

Allowing your strength, confidence, power, and your twin flame fire to shine and expand!

Heart - love , connection, understanding, acceptance for you and your twin flame

Powerful heart chakra healing with the fairies and Unicorns!! Allowing your heart to expand brightly, powerfully and dance with the entire universe and your twin flame!! Allowing the entire universe to shower you with abundant love and blessings!

Higher heart - deep soul connection and compassion for you and your twin flame
Powerful expansion and healing as well for your higher heart!! Allowing both your heart and higher Heart to feel safe and supported by your lower chakras to open to big expansive infinite and unconditional love for you and your twin!

Throat - cultivate healthy and powerful communication and self expression for you and your twin flame. And between the two of you.

Allowing your self expression and creative to turn on big time!! Dancing, singing, art, music etc however your soul wants to express and create gets turn on powerfully. You are a powerful creator!

Third eye- intuitive and psychic connection for you and your twin flame

Allowing your third eye to feel safe! For you to be your most authentic self!! Allowing clarity and strong Intuition for you and your twin!!

Crown - connect to the divine, soul and higher self. Divine soul connection for twin flames.

Powerful crown Activation!! The divine connection between you, your twin flame and God/Goddess!!!

Soul star - connection to Source and all that is. Infinite source connection for twin flames.

Super activation of your soul star!! Expansion as big as the infinite universe!! Remember how powerful and divine you truly are! Be a powerful channel of the infinite light to flow down and to anchor all of into all your others chakras for you and your twin.

And more !

Feel free to play this recording as many times as you feel guided.

Please don't upload or share this recording. This is for your personal use only. Thank you for honoring my work!

All rights reserved. No part of any of this product, may be used or reproduced by any means, converting to document form, electronic, or mechanical; including re-recording, taping or any information storage retrieval system.

© 2023 Lindsey Muraoka


Please read before purchasing!

This product is not recommended for you if you are mentally unstable or in a critical physical condition. Please get support from appropriate professionals instead.

By purchasing this product, I fully understand and agree to the following:

★ I understand that this product is in no way, shape or form intended to be substitutes for professional medical or psychological attention.

★ I understand that energy work can bring “uncomfortable feelings” up to the surface such as old anger, hurt , pain, hate, sadness, guilt, shame, jealousy, grudges, resentments, negative thoughts and programming etc.

★ These feelings can be from childhood, from this lifetime or past lifetimes. These feelings can also be towards yourself, towards God/Source, your parents, your twin flame, other people etc.

Some of these may not even be yours but also from your family, ancestors, collective programming and templates.

They can be hidden at the subconscious layers and will only come up if you are ready to let them go. You may not even be consciously aware of them.

★ By purchasing this product, I am setting the intention that I am ready to release whatever comes up through use of this product with ease, grace and love.

★ I am ready to face and shine light on any of my shadows and ego that may come up with use of this product.

★ I understand all sessions are done with the highest good and highest intentions of infinite love and light.

★ I understand that healing can bring things up to the surface such as old emotions to be healed and released over the next few days and week after a session. I agree that I am in a place in my life where I am mentally stable and can give myself the time and space required to heal.

Please seek a professional health care specialist when needed. Lindsey Muraoka will not be held responsible for any decisions made, or any actions taken by any client and/or participant. The client and/or participant are solely responsible for any and all decisions and actions taken in his/her own life.

I acknowledge that I am participating voluntarily in the use of this product and that I am solely and personally responsible for my choices, actions and results, now and in the future. I accept full responsibility for the consequences of my use, or non-use, of any information provided through this product and I agree to use my own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation given to your life, family or business.

I fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results I can expect from using this product.

This product should never be used as a substitute for seeking professional medical care or assistance. Lindsey Muraoka’s sessions are not recommended for you if you are mentally unstable or in a critical physical condition. Please get support from appropriate professionals instead.

The content of this product is not intended to replace any course of medication or doctor’s advice you may be currently following. Lindsey Muraoka does not claim to heal or cure specific conditions or illnesses. The information provided by Lindsey Muraoka is not medical advice and should not be used as a prescription for your medical needs. You are solely responsible for your actions, decisions and results based on the use, misuse or non-use of any information provided.

By purchasing this product, you agree and verify that you, the participant:

1) have voluntarily decided to participate in the product and have requested this product on your own free will;

2) are at least 18 years of age, and have not been declared incompetent;

3) understand that this product cannot be used as a substitute for any type of medical, health, psychological, psychiatric, or professional counseling, therapy or treatment;

4) understand and agree that it is your responsibility to decide whether or not you require professional counseling or medical treatment and should you require such services to seek them on your own as needed;

5) by participating in the product, you are accepting complete responsibility for your own medical, health, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and bodily well-being;

7) you understand energy work takes time and is an ongoing process. There are no guarantees in the results you will have as everyone is different and on their own unique path.

8) do on behalf of yourself, your assigns, heirs, executors, guardians, and all other legal representatives, hereby release, discharge, waive, and forever relinquish Lindsey Muraoka and any other person associated with Lindsey Muraoka, from any and all known or unknown claims resulting from, arising out of or in any way connected with information you may or may not receive during your voluntary participation in a service, class or product offered by Lindsey Muraoka. You further agree that under no circumstance(s) will you, or any other person associated with you as a result of your session, product purchase, class or consult attempt to present any claims against, prosecute, sue, seek to attach any lien for any purpose including satisfaction of a judgment or other judicial decree, to the property of Lindsey Muraoka, and you hereby waive all claims, demands, compensation, and all actions that you, anyone associated with you or any other participant in the session or consult currently or hereafter may have for any injuries or perceived injuries or perceived or real losses you may suffer or believe to suffer because of or during your participation or involvement in a session or consult resulting from any actions, statements, answers to questions or omissions made by Lindsey Muraoka;

9) understand and agree that in the event any claim for damages shall be brought or prosecuted against Lindsey Muraoka or any person associated with Lindsey Muraoka as a result of your actions, omissions, or other act, that you and/or your estate shall indemnify and hold harmless Lindsey Muraoka and all persons associated with Lindsey Muraoka from any and all claims, actions or damages, legal and otherwise, made by you or anyone associated with you including the cost and expense associated with defending such actions or claims;

10) are accepting the terms of this agreement, disclaimer, and liability release, by your own free will while fully comprehending what you are doing and the result and consequences of your actions;

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